The Monster's Mission

'The ideas of Economists...are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else.' - John M. Keynes

Those words, spoken by a founding figure of modern-day economics, aptly summarise the purpose of this blog. 

Economics is so important to all of us; it is an integral factor in our living standards, our choices, wealth, opportunities, and ultimately, our futures.

It is this fact that makes it such a compelling subject into which we should delve - the knowledge you may find may help you in numerous ways, and the subjects encompassed by economics are endless.

Apart from commenting on current affairs from an economic perspective, the Economonster will endeavour to help you to further your understanding of the intricacies of the subject, with articles about specific economic subjects and theories; hopefully, so that you can acquire useful  knowledge to help you in the real World.

'Monster Topics' will contain explanations of many key economic topics, portrayed in a simple, yet detailed, playful, yet serious, manner.

The 'A-level Guide' will contain more theoretical, and less current affairs based, explanations of economic topics for the majority of A-level students, in a method that will allow quick, simple and effective revision. (Or, last minute cramming!)

'Helpful links' will provide information about useful economics links, books, blogs, and various other media, which will be updated as more are found, or suggested  by readers.

Above all, my mission is to try and make sure that everybody who visits this blog will enjoy economics, learn about economics, and understand the World in more depth as a result.